This page is meant to help connect you with the right people for any need you might have in the life of the parish.
The Parish Administrator. Amylynn is our helpful Parish Administrator and she is the first contact for connecting you with what you might need. Don't hesitate to be in touch with Amylynn and she can direct you further. Contact the Parish Administrator regarding any administrative matters, including booking of space in the church building for parish ministry. Contact:
The Donations Secretary. Ruth Sutherland is our confidential donations secretary and keeps all of the records regarding donations and charitable givings receipts for the parish. Contact Ruth if you would like to receive offering envelopes, enroll in our Preauthorized Giving Program, adjust your giving, make a pledge, or have any other question about giving. Contact:
The Volunteer Coordinator. Please contact the rector if you would like to serve in a particular way, have questions regarding the volunteer schedule, ministry descriptions, screening policy questions, and related matters. Contact:
The Concert Coordinator. Sue Samson coordinates matters related to our Concert Project. Contact Sue if you are an artist or promoter who would like to host a concert at Saint John's, if you would like to volunteer with the Concert Project, or with any other questions. Contact:
The Property Committee. This committee overseas matters related to the maintenance, repair, and renewal of the church building and grounds. If you would like to volunteer with the committee or would like to report an issue that needs addressing, please contact the committee. Contact:
The Rector. Andrew Rampton, of the Church of Saint John the Evangelist. If you have a spiritual need, would like to talk with a priest, or have any matter that you would like to discuss with Leonel, he is happy to hear from you. Contact: