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In the Anglican Cycle of prayer, we pray for The Anglican Church of Tanzania

 In our Diocese of Niagara, we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Susan Bell;  St. Columba, St. Catharines, The Reverend William Alakas, Rector, and the people of that parish.

In our parish cycle of prayer, we pray for Leslie,  Amy, Miriam, Faith, Meryline, Roger, Bonnie, Norman, Sue, John, Carol, Laura, William añd Scott.

In our neighbourhood, we pray for First Unitarian Church, Rev. Jamie Boyce, and the people of that congregation

Those in our parish for whom our prayers are requested, we pray for Daryl and Charles

In our outreach and missions supported by SJE, we pray for Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti and   Migrant Farmworkers' Project, Diocese of Niagara.

In our groups and organizations within SJE, we pray for Small groups within the church: Bibles and Bagels, Hearts and Minds, Middle Ground, Be Hive, the Wednesday seniors’ worship group  and Saturday Stuff for Guys