Slideshow image The Parochial Committee met on Thursday March 16th, and we have information to share.  
There will be a 10am Choral Style Eucharist on Feb. 26, 2023.   Following that, there will be a 75-minute parochial meeting.   
The purpose of the past two parochial meetings was to ask ourselves what our parish actually looks like and how we got here. 
On Feb. 26 we will look forward, asking these three related questions:
1)  When you think of the future of St. John the Evangelist, what energizes you?
2)  What do you see as the trajectory of our parish as we move forward?        What significant changes have there been, both within our church and in the wider environment, since we produced our Mission Action Plan last year? 
3)  What new possibilities do you sense God is opening up for us?  
For this session we will divide into small groups. We will have time for prayer, for discussion, and for groups to report back.  Your comments and questions will be noted; or, if you prefer, you can email them to a member of the committee.   This data will help us to write our Parish Profile, which the Bishop will use to consider appropriate candidates for our new rector.  
To prepare for the next event on March 19th, the diocese will provide a questionnaire to ask us about the specific qualities we think our next rector should possess.  
So we are on our way!  Thank you for your support as we journey together!  
On behalf of the Parochial Committee, Margaret Wilding.