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For seven years before COVID, a team of people at St John’s ran a wonderful monthly program called Messy Church, a form of church particularly (but not only) for non-churched families with young kids. From time to time, people ask, “Could we start Messy Church again?”

If you are interested to know more, there are now several books about Messy Church in the church library: 

  • Messy Church by Lucy Moore (the founder of Messy Church); 
  • Starting your Messy Church: A Beginner’s Guide for Churches, also by Lucy Moore; 
  • Messy Christmas (three sessions for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany); 
  • Messy Church does Science (100 “sizzling” experiments!); 
  • Messy Lyfe (a book for parents and children about discipleship); 
  • and Making Disciples in Messy Church, by Paul Moore.

Take a look in the Youth and Children's Ministry section of the library or here in the catalogue. See what sparks your imagination!