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Last evening our Parish Council received a financial report showing how giving to the parish is down from last year at a time when expenses have increased. 

Parish Council would like to share a few details from the financial reports for the period January to April 2022.


  • Total Offerings, $54,793 (last year: 65,169; budget current year: 78,757)

Giving through our pre-authorized giving plan (PAG) continues on par with last year, however, giving by envelope has significantly declined. 

    • Envelope, online, and other identifiable donors, $12,297 (last year: 22,418; budget current year: 30,257)

Within this category, online giving (by credit card or e-transfer continues to grow, however, there has been a significant drop in envelope giving. 

These changes in giving patterns are understandable given changes in church attendance in the midst of the present pandemic. In the past the parish would have routinely seen a bump in giving at Easter and Christmas. Given the present realities we have not benefited from that particular generosity for some time. 

We would like to remind parishioners that the offering plate remains available at the back of the church despite that it is not passed during the service at this time. Offering envelopes (cheques only) may also be deposited in the mail box beside the main doors to the church or mailed to the church office. Details regarding other means of giving, including e-transfer and online giving by credit card can be found here.

Ministry Expenses

Parish ministry expenses have increased over last year mainly because of two changes. The first involves our hiring of a part-time Children's, Youth, and Family Ministry Coordinator, in response to our parish visioning around the future of such ministry. This new initiative added a little more than $30,000 to our annual budget in 2022.

The second significant change from last year involves the discontinuation of the Canada Employment Wage Subsidy that the federal goverment made available to us in the early stages of the pandemic. That subsidy provided for a reduction of more than $14,000 in our salaries and benefits expenses in 2022. Again, the most recent financial statements for January to April 2022 show the expected trend in increased expense:

  • Salaries and benefits: $56,844 (last year: 39,359).

Other areas parish ministry expense continue roughly within budget. Most of these expenses are routine; some are extraordinary. An expected and needed plumbing upgrade, for example, will cost in excess of $5,000. 

We give thanks to God for our many parishioners who continue to participate in the parish's mission by means of their financial support. Your generosity makes our shared ministry possible.

If you haven't made a gift to the parish in support of our ministry in some time, please consider doing so now, and please consider enrolling in our convenient pre-authorized giving plan (PAP).

Glory to God whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3.20)