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Looking for something to read that will encourage, entertain, educate, or intrigue? Our church library has lots of options! You can find the library downstairs, just off the Crypt Café.

Here are highlights of some books currently available:


Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer by Rowan Williams

The aim of Being Christian sounds like a simple task: to describe four fundamental acts that all Christians hold in common. Of course, the topic is a complex one making this task more difficult than it might first seem. I am glad to report that Rowan Williams manages to carry of the task in a pleasant, accessible book ideal for small group discussion or as a tool for personal reflection. Read the rest of this review by Rev. Andrew here


The Other Face of God: When the Stranger Calls Us Home by Mary Jo Leddy

Supporting and working with refugees in Canada's largest city might seem, at first glance, to be a one-way street. The privileged local, acting out of charity, assists and supports newcomers to Canada who have left behind almost their entire lives in hopes of something better here. Mary Jo Leddy, after 20 years at Romero House in Toronto, shares, through memories, reflection, and anecdotes, that the experience of refugee support is life-changing for both the helper and the helped.  Read the rest of this review by Rev. Andrew here


The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy

This is a book for everyone, children and adults. It is a book of pictures and words about four characters and their adventures. They are all different like us, each with their own weaknesses, questioning, greedy scared  and gentle. I can see myself in all of them. But it is so much more than that. It is a book full of ideas, of kindness, of caring, and above all, of love. Read the rest of this review by Judith Purdell-Lewis here