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The Vestry meeting on Sunday Feb. 23 is our annual "church business" meeting,
All those who consider St John's to be their church home are encouraged to attend. Your voice and your insights matter.
A draft list of eligible voters for Vestry is now posted just inside the main sanctuary on the little cupboard to the right. 
  • Please check to see if your name has been correctly entered there, and if not, contact Andrew

NB this is not a parish membership list, but a list of those we believe are eligible to vote, according to the diocesan canons: "In every congregation within the Diocese of Niagara there shall be a Vestry composed of all the baptised members of such congregation of the full age of 16 years, who for at least six months preceding the holding of a Vestry meeting have been identifiably involved with that congregation, through worship, fellowship, and financial support to that congregation."