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Consultation Details

Thursday, February 17, 2022, 7 to 9PM, by Zoom Video Conference. 

Please preregister to attend by clicking on the button below.

About Faith Formation

Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8.31-32)

Faith formation says a great deal about what kind of life we are called to lead as a Christian. Nish Weiseth captures this; “Spiritual formation is the process by which we are shaped by the power of the Holy Spirit into the image of Jesus for the sake of others…Not for us, but for our neighbours, for our communities, for the sake of doing the work of Jesus here on this earth in this time, to see the Kingdom of God break through…so that others might flourish…We are called to be made more into the image of Jesus for their sake, so that they may be blessed.” (A Rhythm of Prayer, edited by Sarah Bessey, 95).

Disciples are not mere followers nor are they simply participants in regular worship. The root of the word disciple is discere – to learn, and through faith formation, Christians learn the Way of Jesus. Faith formation is both guided participation in community faith practices and an intention and practice that attunes us to the presence of God, the sacred in everyday life, and service to others so that all may experience God’s fullness of life. The joy of a community focused on faith formation is that faith formation envelopes the disciple in a process of experiencing, learning, and living the Way of Jesus. The faith community at its best is an incubator where we can practise spiritual disciplines, new ways of being compassionate with one another, and risk taking as we respond with increasing boldness to the Spirit’s call to compassion, humility, and caretaking of others.

Prepare for the Consultation: Pre-Gathering Snapshot Tool

You are invited to complete the Adult Faith Formation Snapshot Tool. The tool is designed to be a starting place for generating new ideas and plans for deepening our parish faith formation plan.

The value of this tool comes in noting where we are and seeing where we might go. The snapshot you create is intended to help you participate in the Adult Faith Formation gathering, is only intended for your use and will not be collected. It’s solely to stimulate your reflections and your sense of what’s possible.