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Mother’s Day is May 12th so here’s a chance to get a cake for someone special or yourself!

You can choose which cake you want! Like a Penny Sale, you place your Cakes, Cakes, Cakes ticket on the cake you’d like to take home.

*Uncertain about which kind of cake? Buy more than one ticket!
*Really like one kind of cake? Place several tickets on it!

The Crafters are selling tickets at $4 each or 3/$10. You have to add your name and phone number to each ticket in case you’re not present at 12:30 when a ticket for each cake is drawn. If you cannot be present to place your ticket, tell the person who sold you your tickets your favourite kind! They’ll place it for you.

We’ve got an amazing assortment already including some fruit cake and coffee cakes.  We STILL need a few more donations. Don’t bake? Buy one and donate it!

Contact Penny Bond or Susan Little for more information. Tickets are also available at the Church Office.
Check the list in the Crypt  Cafe for more details!