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 Written by Giselle Weaver and posted by Judith Purdell-Lewis.

Need a one-of-a kind homemade blanket gift for a special someone or a unique gift for a special event?  A new baby?  An anniversary?  A wedding?  An off-to University treasure?  

Giselle Weaver is one of St. John’s crafters who has recently become well known for the lap blankets she has been crocheting and donating to palliative patients at St. Joseph’s Hospital over the past year or so. To date, she has given 17 blankets to comfort those people facing an uncertain end.

When COVID restrictions and lockdowns occurred last year, Giselle suddenly discovered all sorts of time she had to work on projects. After she found out about St. Joseph’s need for their patients, she began putting her hands to good use in creating gifts of love for others.  Giselle is now ready to take your order or show you one of the blankets she has already made. If you have someone in your life who would be thrilled with a hand-crocheted blanket (as pictured here), contact Giselle right away..  She will use the colours you choose if they are available.  She is eager to put her skills to good use for St. John’s people.

Usually lapghans (lap blankets) are about 36” x 48” and an approximate cost for the blanket featured would be from $70 upward, depending on the yarn used. Different requests can be negotiated within reason.   Giselle wants to make you an unforgettable gift for that someone special.

For more information, contact Giselle at 905-928-3314 and leave a message or text.  

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