We have to admit that the church is often guilty of using jargon and "churchy" words. Anglicans can be particularly guilt of this. We provide a glossary below to explain some of the terminology you may encounter in the church and on this website. 

Archdeacon. An archdeacon normally a priest who has been given a special commisson by the bishop to exercise a particular form of leadership in the diocese. In the Diocese of Niagara we have regional archdeacons who have particular responsibilites within the region. Archdeacons are styled, "The Venerable." Our rector, The Venerable Dr. David Anderson is the Archdeacon of Hamilton-Haldimand.

Altar. The holy table at the front of the worship space on which the Holy Eucharist is celebrated. 

Anglican Communion. The Anglican Communion is a worldwide family of autonomous national churches that are in full communion with Church of England, and in particular, the See of Canterbury. 

Assistant Curate. A member of the clergy with the bishop's license to do ministry in the parish under the direction of and assisting the Rector of the parish.

Bishop. A bishop is a chief pastor of a diocese and the senior order of ordained ministries, which includes deacons, priests, and bishops. The Right Reverend Susan J.A. Bell is our diocesan bishop.

Chalice. The special cup (often silver) in which the wine of the Holy Eucharist is served.

Chancel. That part of the church proper up a few steps from the nave where the choir is normally seated.

Chapel. The Chapel of Saint Michael and Saint George is located downstairs in the crypt area of the church building below the santuary and chancel. 

Church proper. The main worship space of the church building including the nave, chancel, and sanctuary. 

Clergy. A person ordained to the ministry and order of bishop, priest, or deacon.

Confirmation. A liturgical rite and minor sacrament of the church where the bishop welcomes the baptised and calls the fullness of the Holy Spirit upon them. At one time Confirmation was considered full membership of the church, and persons were expected to be confirmed before receiving the Holy Eucharist. Holy Baptism is now considered to be the rite in which we become full members of the church. If you are a follower of Jesus and have never been confirmed by a bishop, we invite you to speak to the Rector about taking this step.

Crypt. That part of the church building which is in the basement, below the church propers.

Deacon. A member of the clergy ordained to a ministry of service in the world. In the liturgy, deacons typically read the Gospel, bring concerns for prayer, prepare the altar for the Eucharist, and give the dismissal.

Diocese. A diocese is the basic unit of church in the Anglican tradition and occupies a particular geographical area. Each diocese is led by a bishop and comprised of a number of parishes.

Holy Baptism. With the Holy Eucharist, one of the two principal sacraments of the church. Through water and the Holy Spirit the baptized are brought into full membership in the family of the people of God. The appropriate candidates for Holy Baptism are adult followers of Jesus and their children.

Holy Eucharist. With Holy Baptism, one of the two principal sacraments of the church. In the Holy Eucharist we take bread and wine and give thanks to God according to the command of Jesus. In the Eucharist we remember the mighty acts of God to provide for the redemption of the world, pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and give thanks to God.

Honorary Assistant. A member of the clergy with episcopal permssion to do ministry in the parish under the direction of the rector as an assistant priest. Honorary Assistants are often retired and are non-stipendiary. 

Laity. The laity (or laypersons) are those baptized Christians who have not taken the vows of orders of deacon, priest, or bishop. 

Liturgy. Literally, "the work of the people." A term referring to manner in which we worship God. The authorised liturgical rites in this diocese include The Book of Common Prayer (Canada), The Book of Alternative Services (Canada), as well as the authorised rites of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, with whom our church is in full communion.

Metropolitan. The senior bishop within an ecclesiastical province. Our diocese, the Diocese of Niagara is a diocese within the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario. The Most Reverend Ann Germond is the Metropolitan of Ontario, and Archbishop of the Diocese of Algoma, and Bishop of Moosenee.

Narthex. That part of the church building inside the main entrance doors of the building, but not yet in the main worship space. 

Nave. That part of the church building in which the people normally sit in the pews, including that area at the front of the nave where the nave altar normally sits.

Mission. The activity that belongs to God in working out God's redemptive reign in the world, in which we, as members of the church, are invited to participate. 

Parish. Normally referring to the geographic neighbourhood where the church is located. Also referring to the local church or congregation we know as the Church of Saint John the Evangelist.

Priest. A member of the clergy ordained to a ministry of word and sacrament. In the liturgy, priests are those who are set apart to baptize, consecrate the bread and wine at the Eucharist, proclaim the absolution of sins, and bless the people.

Primate. The senior bishop of the national church. The various ecclesiastical provinces across Canada come together to form the Anglican Church of Canada. The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada has elected a bishop to represent the church nationally. Our Primate is The Most Reverend Fred Hiltz. Archbishop Hiltz will be retiring in July 2019.

Reception. Reception refers to a liturgy that where persons who have been previously confirmed by a bishop are welcomed into the Anglican Communion. This liturgy often occurs at a time when others are being confirmed. 

Rector. The Rector is a priest who has been licensed by the bishop to lead the parish community. All other parish clergy are supervised by the Rector. With the churchwardens, the Rector is responsible for the good administration of the parish. Our rector is The Venerable Dr. David J. Anderson.

Rock on Locke. The Church of Saint John the Evangelist is also known as "the Rock on Locke," probably because of the large rock sign that sits at the corner of Locke Street South and Charlton Avenue West. We also like to think of "the Rock" as a place of importance and stability in the neighbourhood.

Sacrament. Often defined as "an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace." The two main sacraments in our Christian tradition are Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist. 

Sanctuary. That part of the church proper above the chancel, behind the brass sanctuary rail, where the high altar is located.

Worship. Our response to the love and redemptive activity of God is our worship. We worship not only with prayer, song, ritual, and sacrament. We worship God by offering God our lives.